Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rush's First Televised Address to the Nation: CPAC

Rush's First Televised Address to the Nation: Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Speech

In February 2009, one of Missouri's favorite sons (Cape Girardeau), Rush Limbaugh gave a memorable speech to CPAC - the Conservative Political Action Conference. Read the transcript here or link to the video.

This is a crash course in conservatism in America and Rush is America's #1 Truth Teller.

Rush is mischaracterized regularly by the (liberal) media, liberals, and even jealous Republicans, on purpose. I always chuckle when I hear someone make a snide or outright vicious comment about Rush and do it in a way that suggests "yea, we all know what you mean... wink, wink." "He's a big fat liar and he goes off on angry rants all the time." Such statements tell the truth about the one making the comment - they don't listen to Rush and have not a clue who he is or what he is about. They scream their own ignorance with these remarks.

Rush does not "rant" nor is he an angry man. He is charming and women adore him. When he loses weight he is downright stunningly handsome! To me, his voice is a welcome friend whose company I seek each day. I miss him terribly on weekends when he is not on the radio. He sees issues so clearly and he uses humor and irony to make his points. He is a tender and loving cat daddy and often talks about his Abyssinian cat, Punkin. Rush is one of those amazing people - a genius level intellect who skipped the formal credentials - he didn't need them. But every day he is on the radio or TV or in print or giving a speech is a mini-course in politics, social thought, history, ethics, humor, philosophy, etc.

Anyone desiring to understand why Rush is a core component of the grass roots conservative movement in this country and why it is growing so rapidly should listen to Rush.

Oh, what I would give to see a debate between Rush and the skinny metrosexual guy claiming to be Pres! While the Obamamessiah would be desperate for his teleprompter Rush would just rely on his talent on loan from God.

(Now if I wasn't married and still lived in Palm Beach County ... hmmm.)

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