Friday, July 10, 2009

Christians Need Not Apply

So many people have asserted that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. The name suggests it. His biological father was Muslim. He was registered in a government school in Indonesia as a Muslim and he has spoken of this time attending the mosque with his Muslim step-father with great sentiment. He delivered speeches in Muslim countries referring to the “holy Quran” while quoting it in Arabic with great ease. Obama bowed deeply to the Saudi king – an act blatantly wrong for the leader of the free world and completely surpasses W’s hand holding as an outrageous act by any U.S. Commander in Chief! He even went so far as to tell the world that the U.S. is not a Christian country and may even be considered a Muslim nation.

These acts and statements of Obama are truly puzzling unless one subscribes to the theory that he is really a closet Muslim and a stalking horse for Islamic terrorists and/or Saudi interests. Compelling, but I submit an alternate theory: Obama hates Christians.

Now, I am sure someone will argue that Obama belonged to the Trinity United Church of Christ of Dr. Jeremiah Wright and was baptized into a Christian faith. Hogwash! This was no conversion. Obama carefully chose his entrĂ©e to the world of politics by aligning himself with an organization that is a core institution in the black community – the church. But not just any church, Obama chose one out of the mainstream, one aligned with a belief system not found in the major Christian denominations. Joining the Nation of Islam and embracing Screwy Lewie Farrakhan as his spiritual advisor might have been a choice that would have little appeal but to those so aligned, and would never attract the mainstream black community or those self-loathing, guilt-ridden, political-correctness-paralyzed liberal whites, the brain-numb “I just want to be a nice person” wet noodles, or even the America-hating far left kooks. Jeremiah Wright tells you himself that his Chicago church is based on "black liberation theology" and the writings of James Cone. There is nothing Christian about it other than their central figure is named Jesus Christ, but that is about where the connection ends. It is a racist belief system that preaches white hate and reparation from white Americans.

In fact, I don’t even think that Obama believes in that ideology. I think Obama is an empty vessel, an a-theist, a person who exists in the absence of God. One could plumb the depths of his psyche to opine on the motivation for this mixed race man, abandoned by both parents, reared predominantly by white grandparents and in mostly Asian dominated environments. He looked in the mirror and saw a fellow that fit in where?

We don’t need Obama’s words, his actions speak clearly. After 56 years of public participation by Congress and U.S. Presidents in the National Day of Prayer with prayer breakfast meetings, other prayer meetings and related observances, Obama said no thanks and merely issued a proclamation. Obama gave a policy speech at premier Jesuit institution of higher learning, Georgetown University, on April 14th and required that the symbol of Jesus’ name (IHS) be covered up and regrettably, Georgetown denied its true Messiah and capitulated to the false one. Also in April, Mr. Obama appointed LGBT activist Harry Knox to his Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Shortly before this appointment in March, the same Mr. Knox launched an attack on Pope Benedict XVI which was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual advocacy group. He publicly attacked the Pope and the Catholic Church previously in 2007. And yet with this not just “bias” but very real hate campaign against the Church, and advocacy of an alternate lifestyle that is not promoted by most religions, Knox was elevated by Obama to a national role concerned with faith-based policy matters!

Mr. Obama takes positions out of the norm and inconsistent with Christian teaching and natural law. He supports the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, and stated that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act removing all restrictions on abortion including the Partial-Birth Abortion Act of 2003 which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007 (Gonzales v. Carhart). We heard the story of Jill Stanek and the shameful practices of a Chicago hospital killing aborted babies that survived the abortion (by leaving them unattended and denied medical care) and Obama’s efforts as an Illinois state senator to thwart the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

The most recent slight to Christian America was the Pentagon’s refusal, after 42 years of participation, to conduct a fly-over at the Treasure Valley God and Country Festival held July 1st in Idaho. While a Christian event it is also a tribute to our military and Constitutional freedoms.

There are innumerable examples of Obama’s blatant disregard for everything Christian and they are chronicled every day. Only a fool would believe this man is a Christian or that he bears any positive regard for Christian America. Perhaps Mr. Obama, who tends to lack a most basic grounding in fundamental academics like history and geography, would do well to read not insignificant founding documents like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, the writings of George Washington ( and John Adams (, and so many others.

But then why should he? He is the new Messiah and he has declared that we are not a Christian nation.

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